Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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* Release Notes *
Copyright 1991-93
Fair Dinkum Technologies
All Rights Reserved
ATTENTION GEnie users: Fair Dinkum Technologies is on-line! We have
We have our own topic area in CATegory 29, TOPic 4 of the Atari ST
RoundTable Bulletin Board especially for users of Fair Dinkum
software. Stop by for a visit or send GEmail to FAIR-DINKUM.
Release 1.70
This version of Crossword Creator II features several enhancements
over earlier versions. As these are new features, they may not be
referenced in your manual so please make note of them below:
1. FALCON030 COMPATIBILIITY. CWCII is now compatible with the Falcon030
computer is ST screen resolutions without MultiTOS. TT compatible too.
2. NEW PRINTER DRIVERS. Additional printer drivers have been incorporated
in the program, including new FINAL quality drivers for Hewlett Packard
and Epson FX printers and DRAFT quality drivers for many others. The SELECT
PRINTER button of the print sub-menu screen now allows you to choose your
printer type from the following list:
EPSON FX Epson FX & compatible 9-pin dot matrix printers.
HP DJ Hewlett Packard DeskJet printers.
HP LJ Hewlett Packard LaserJet printers.
ATARI SLM Atari SLM series of laser printers.
EPSON LQ Epson LQ & compatible 24-pin dot matrix printers.
IBM PRO IBM Proprinter 24-pin printers.
IBM AGM IBM Proprinter 24-pin printers w/Adv Graphics Mode.
NEC P6 NEC P6 24-pin and compatible printers.
OTHER Bypass built-in drivers and use the system driver.
If a printer name is displayed in light text, this indicates this
particular printer is not currently available for use with color
monitors. All the DRAFT drivers are available in mono mode, however.
FINAL quality printing is enabled ONLY when EPSON FX, HP DJ or HP LJ is
selected as your printer choice. All other selections will provide DRAFT
(similar to screendump quality) printouts.
For owners of Atari SLM laser printers desiring very high quality printouts,
we recommend the use of Atari's LaserBrain emulation software. LaserBrain,
specialized fonts and a guide for using LaserBrain with CWII are available
for download from GEnie. Alternatively, you may purchase a printed copy
of the guide with disk for $US5.00 to cover shipping and handling from Fair
Dinkum Technologies.
If you wish to use Atari's standard sreendump printer driver or a third
party printer driver (such as Chet Walter's excellent shareware program
for HP printers, TTPRSAVE), simply select OTHER as your printer choice.
3. INCREASED WORD LIMIT. Puzzles and word lists may now contain a maximum
of 250 words (memory permitting). Computers with only 512K memory will be
limited to a maximum of 50 words. Be aware, however, that very large word
lists will increase puzzle creation times significantly. Although puzzle
and word list sizes of up to 250 words are supported, most puzzles will
typically contain 50 words or less using the automatic word fit feature.
4. IMPROVED WORD FIT ALGORITHM. The algorithm used by CWCII for fitting
unused words has been improved for even greater accuracy and speed.
5. NEW DELETE OPTION. You now have the option to delete ALL unused words
with a single mouseclick under the DELETE WORD option. If any unused words
exist, you may delete them all by selecting the ** DELETE ALL ** text which
appears at the top of the Unused Words window at the left of your screen.
6. ASCII PUZZLE/SOLUTION SAVE. When you save clues as an ASCII text file
(from the PRINT CLUES option), a simplistic ASCII representation of the
puzzle will now be automatically added to the top of the CLUES.TXT file.
with the automatic word list feature, you now have the option of entering
the minimum word fit percentage which you are willing to accept. For
example, if you enter 80% as a minimum, CWCII will repeatedly create new
puzzle structures until an 80% or better fit is obtained. You can also
interrupt it by pressing the UNDO key which will cause CWCII to display the
best fitting puzzle it had obtained thus far.
the word list option to add additional words to a puzzle with one or more
existing words. Previously, selecting the word list option meant you had
to start over with a blank puzzle grid.
9. INTERNATIONAL MODE. The "I" hot key toggles between "Standard" mode
(the default) and "International" mode. Standard mode supports letters and
numerals only and automatically converts all text into upper case. The
International mode supports all keyboard characters and does not convert
lower case text into upper case. Note that the International mode is case
sensitive; i.e., "cat" is different that "CAT" and that lower case letters
will not interlock with a puzzle square which holds an upper case letter.
The HELP screen shows which mode you are currently using should you ever
become confused. It is suggested that younger users and all users creating
English language puzzles leave CWCII in Standard mode (International off).
10. AUTO-FIT UNUSED WORDS KEY. The Tab key is now used to toggle the
Auto-Fit Unused Words option on or off instead of the Caps Lock key as
referenced in your manual. The Auto-Fit Unused Words option has also been
improved for greater accuracy and speed.
11. LINE FEED. The PRINT ALL option in the PRINT PUZZLE submenu has been
replaced with the LINE FEED option. This forces your printer to advance
the paper by a single line (note: inkjets and laser printers do not feed
paper until an actual print command has been received).
A new FRENCH language version of CWCII (including translated program and
printed documentation) is now available. Retail riced at US$39.95, all
registered users of the English version of CWCII may purchase the French
version for only US$20.00. A GERMAN language version is on the way too!
SUPPORT WHEN YOU NEED IT! This is not a new feature, but it is worth
repeating... if you have ANY unresolved problems with the use of this
software, we want to hear about it. Kindly give us the opportunity to
resolve your problems and we'll do our very best to make you happy. That's
what we call our FAIR DINKUM PROMISE. It's just one more reason that when
you buy software from us, you can have faith in our slogan:
"No worries, mate... it's from Fair Dinkum!"
Thank you. We hope you enjoy your Fair Dinkum software.
Fair Dinkum Technologies, P.O. Box 2, Los Alamos, NM 87544 USA
(505)662-7236 voice order line; (505)662-3787 fax
Product names mentioned are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective manufacturers. Crossword Creator, Word Search Creator, InfoDisk,
The Cryptographer, and the Fair Dinkum logo and slogan are trademarks of Fair
Dinkum Technologies. Cyberdrome is a registered trademark of Rhea-FX.